Monthly Archives: January 2011

Quality in Nowegian Public-Service Television
Prof. Roel Puijk, Lillehammer University College (Norway), will present his research into Quality in Norwegian Public-Service Television. While general questions of the quality of television, and of public-service television in particular, have been discussed, there has been little research into what public-service broadcasters actually do to maintain the quality of their programming. Based on his…
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PhD Defence: The Power of Television: Including the Historicizing of the Live Romanian Revolution
Date and time: 4 February 2011 10:30 Location: Academiegebouw – Domplein 29, Utrecht PhD student: Dana Mustata Faculty: Faculty of Humanities Supervisor 1: Prof. dr. J.S. de Leeuw / Co-supervisor 1: Dr. A. Fickers Dana Mustata’s dissertation is a first history of Romanian television, dealing for the first time with the history of television under…
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