Monthly Archives: May 2014

Eva Baaren on TROVe
The June session of TViT will be dedicated to the (digital humanities) tool TROVe. A year after the focus group user study at TViT (June 2013), Eva Baaren (NISV) will show the last prototype and will pose some questions to open up the debate on its value in the field of media studies. About TROVe…
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Quirijn Backx and Eveline Weenink on European research grants
The May TViT seminar will be dedicated to research funding. Quirijn Backx and Eveline Weenink, advisors of the Faculty’s Research Support Office (RSO), will address the opportunities the EU’s new framework programme Horizon 2020 offers for applying for research grants. Apart from a number of thematic programmes, Quirijn will address the opportunities within the Marie…
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