Utrecht Centre for Television in Transition


Hot from the press: Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium

Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium – a volume edited by Alec Badenoch (UU/VU) and Golo Völlmer (Halle University) has just come out with the German publisher Transcript.
  • Transnationalizing Radio Research presents a theoretical and methodological guide for exploring radio’s multiple ‘global ages’, from its earliest years through its recent digital transformations. It offers radio scholars theoretical tools and concrete case studies for moving beyond national research frames. It gives radio practitioners inspiration for production and archiving, and offers scholars from many disciplines new ways to incorporate radio’s vital voices into work on transnational institutions, communities, histories and identities.
The book is designed in part with teaching in mind. It’s available as free pdf and has relatively short chapters (mostly 3000-5000 words) aimed to give practical insights into how to study radio: variously as a sound and music medium, as a changing technology, as a professional, community, or amateur practice, as an industry and as a cultural archive. Utrecht (and the Netherlands) are particularly well-represented in the section dealing with archives and cultural memory, with chapters by Sonja de Leeuw and Alec Badenoch.