Monthly Archives: April 2013

Jane Feuer lecture: “Musical Television. Glee, Smash and the Backstage Musical on TV”
When? Monday, May 6 Time? 4.00 – 6.00 p.m. Where? Sweelinckzaal (Drift 21 0.05), Utrecht University Considering the long history of texts about putting on shows, it is not surprising to find a backstage musical being made in 2012. What is surprising is that a backstage musical about the production of a Broadway show should be made for network television at this late…
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Transmedia production and the televisual experience (April 8, 2013: 15.30 – 17.30)
In this session, Eggo Müller and Berber Hagedoorn will ‘try-out’ their respective papers for the upcoming international conference ‘That’s Television’ in Regensburg. Eggo Müller will discuss ‘The Mediatization of the Televisual Experience’ and new ways of connecting with the television audience, whilst Berber Hagedoorn will focus on ‘Transmedia Story Production’ and its challenges for the…
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