Monthly Archives: January 2015

Dana Mustata on Material Historiographies – CANCELLED
In her presentation, Dana Mustata will introduce her VENI project ‘Everyday Matters. Material Historiographies of Television in Cold War Contexts’, which studies relations between Romanian television and the BBC through the lens of material artifacts. Drawing upon material culture approaches, theories of practice and design analyses of broadcast artifacts, she will propose ‘material historiography’ as…
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Jacco van Sterkenburg on Sports media and qualitative methodologies in media related research
In his presentation, Jacco van Sterkenburg will treat two topics. Firstly, he will reflect on professional sport as a globalized platform for discourses surrounding social dimensions such as race/ethnicity, gender, and (dis)ability. He will review some of the main findings from previous Dutch and international studies and discuss his own ongoing research on this topic….
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