Utrecht Centre for Television in Transition


4 February 2011

PhD Defence: The Power of Television: Including the Historicizing of the Live Romanian Revolution

Date and time: 4 February 2011 10:30
Location: Academiegebouw – Domplein 29, Utrecht
PhD student: Dana Mustata
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Supervisor 1: Prof. dr. J.S. de Leeuw / Co-supervisor 1: Dr. A. Fickers

Dana Mustata’s dissertation is a first history of Romanian television, dealing for the first time with the history of television under a former communist regime. It shows that despite the oppressive regime, television was not necessarily and not always an instrument of political control. Roemeense revolutie 1989 The dissertation develops an innovate method for understanding television in a coercive regime. The method studies television as an agent of power. Based on this method, the dissertation reveals brand new data on the televised Romanian Revolution in 1989: the event was not a spontaneous public outburst, but a decade-long rehearsed process that took place in the private spaces of television viewers and which was silenced, controlled and manipulated by the Securitate, the former Romanian secret services. Being a first television history of a former communist country, the dissertation opens up this field of research in Eastern Europe, making a significant contribution to European television history. The dissertation is based on so far undisclosed and classified documents of the Romanian communist secret services.

58 Responses to “PhD Defence: The Power of Television: Including the Historicizing of the Live Romanian Revolution”

  1. Armanunderpin

    I found it particularly intriguing how you discussed the impact of live television coverage on shaping public perceptions and influencing the course of history. It’s incredible to think about how the media can play such a significant role in shaping our understanding of major events.

  2. เบทฟลิก

    เว็บเบทฟลิก ด้านการยืนยันตัวตน “เว็บสล็อตออนไลน์อันดับ 1 ในปี 2024” ซึ่งผู้เล่นได้ให้คะแนนโหวดจากเว็บ sanook.com

  3. forsanelmadina

    تعد عملية عزل خزانات المياه في مدينة المدينة المنورة أمرًا ضروريًا لضمان نقاء وجودة المياه التي يتم تخزينها. يتم تنفيذ عملية عزل الخزانات بواسطة شركات متخصصة ومعتمدة تستخدم مواد عازلة عالية الجودة وتقنيات حديثة. يهدف عزل الخزانات إلى منع تسرب المياه وحمايتها من التلوث ونمو البكتيريا وتكوين الطحالب والفطريات. تشمل عملية العزل تنظيف الخزانات بشكل دوري وإصلاح أي تلف أو تسرب قد يحدث. يتم العمل على تطبيق معايير السلامة والصحة المهنية خلال عملية عزل الخزانات لضمان الحفاظ على سلامة العمال والبيئة المحيطة. تعتبر عملية عزل الخزانات من الأعمال الأساسية للحفاظ على نظافة وصحة المدينة المنورة وتوفير مياه آمنة لسكانها.

    عوازل خزانات

  4. Julia Carmen Vascan

    Is there any way we can see this? My dad was a part of the National TV Station in Romania and he actually filmed Ceaușescu’s last speech before departing his post and joining the revolution. He was part of their traveling news van, #6 I believe.

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